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Sherry’s Corner » Must-Reading, Cesar on QVC, and Taking Your Pet to Celebrations

Must-Reading, Cesar on QVC, and Taking Your Pet to Celebrations

MORE INTERESTING ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DOG WORLD…”I’m a Rescue Dog” tag! A pet vending machine franchise and my favorite–Aqua Pure Breed spring and mineral waters packaged in PORTABLE BOWL SHAPED BOTTLES! Makes perfect sense? Blue water for males, pink for females, yellow for coat and skin and green for bone support! The newest Q&A book is titled “Do Dogs Have Bellybuttons?” Do you know? Also did you know that dogs’ bodies are 70% water compared with our 80%? They have to drink an ounce of water per pound of weight per day to stay hydrated.

THEN THERE IS DOG WORLD MAGAZINE–the definite “must have” issue is always September’s because it contains the rare breed standards. This magazine–owned by the DOG FANCY group–is for “thinking dog owners”. One of the best issues is the one on purebred rescue and includes such topics as why dogs end up homeless, agility for rescue dogs, how to volunteer, shelters and rescue groups bridging the gap. This is another “keeper” and reference. Another good issue for the serious dog owner is the guide on how to succeed in breeding. DOG WORLD is widely available on newsstands and by subscription for $28.00. It’s a good gift for someone who is truly a student of all things canine. For Pit Bull rescuers a new DVD –”The Pit Bull Paradox”. A presentation of the Latham Foundation, this was written to promote understanding and appreciation of pit bulls and encourage forever homes.

CORRECTIONS: The PSPCA logo-dog is named “Feller” and not Tramp! I apologize to one and all. On Rep. David Millard–he was invited to present the Best in Show trophy at the Bald Eagle Kennel Club Show–not Lackawanna– by Doreen Slaybaugh. She says that, according to the Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs, we are all to thank Millard for DELAYING the vote on HB 2525 until all of the amendments the Federation feels are essential are in place. As of July 4th 58 amendments have been offered and 2525 is waiting in the Appropriations Committee. Apparently the vision of puppy mill dogs facing snow and rain this winter in Pennsylvania is not part of this group’s perceptive process. Not being a politician I impolitely emailed Millard that his campaign re-election sign was not welcome on my property this year. All I can say about the Federation is that its leadership needs vision.

(Although it is not common knowledge, an amendment that gives the cat status as a domestic animal is now part of the Dog Law. This is important.)

HOPE you like the new column debuting this Sunday and once a month thereafter. It was conceived by the Daily Item as a veterinarian question-and-answer column. The questions are or will be from the readers and area veterinarians are invited to participate with answers. Hopefully with your help we can convince the editorial powers to run this column more often–at least twice a month. Also, please send in the type of questions you want to see answered and discussed–and do talk to your best friend/veterinarian and ask him or her to participate. If you want to know how I feel about the questions and answers, you will have to read it here–I am only the moderator for the newspaper column. But, I feel this could be a step or pawprint out of syndicated columns to a place to air local pet problems and opinions.

DID YOU SEE CESAR ON QVC? He remained calm and assertive and was not the salesman, but the educator. His books and DVDs sold well as did his dog toys. The toys are sold with a scent bottle since he says smell is the first sense developed by a dog–in order to fully engage and interest a dog, this sense must be engaged first. All toys also have a DVD to help with good play–not prey! (Toys have been proven to provoke dog bites.) There is a squirrel, a duck and a mallard. There is also a tennis racket with balls. He also had natural shampoos in various scents–interestingly enough, lavender was one and the only scent proven by behaviorists to calm dogs. And, stressing “living in the moment,” he said to exercise your dog and get him tired before giving him a bath. And, begin with the feet and not the body.

BE A GOOD CITIZEN AND SHOW YOUR GOOD MANNERS Before bringing your dog to a party, carnival, festival, or other celebration, or into someone’s home and yard or the community, ASK PERMISSION.

Jul 06, 2008 | | "Feller", Aqua Pure Breed spring and mineral waters, Bald Eagle Kennel Club, Cesar Millan, Daily Item, Dog Fancy, Dog World, Latham Foundation, Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs, Uncategorized, lavender, rare breed standards, rescue dog, water

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